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Chemtrails: They're Controlling Our Minds

"Chemtrails" is the term often used by conspiracy theorists to talk about the trails of condensation that follow behind airplanes as they travel through the air. On "The Evolution Delusion" website, Mr. Smith claims, "this spraying of poisons and metals into the air by planes on a 24/7 basis is polluting the soil the air the water and all life on earth. It is one of the most visible sinister projects since Nazi German death camps."


While it is horrifying to hear a person compare the "pain" they experience from chemtrails to the Holocaust, this is entirely fake science. In a survey published in Environmental Research Letters, a team of scientists asked 77 atmospheric chemists and geochemists about evidence behind chemtrails. 76 of the 77 said there is not any evidence of this occurring at all. The white streaks we can see coming out of airplanes is simply condensation. At such high altitudes, the air is extremely cold, and the engines on jet planes are very hot. When the air is heated in the engine and then exits the airplane, it is quickly condensed, and often frozen to form these trails of moisture in the air.


But let’s deconstruct this even further. What is the evidence that Mr. Smith offers to support his absurd claims? He states that there are high levels of toxins in our soils that are infecting our food, and that this is a ploy by the elite to shorten our life-spans to 50 years because we are "useless" in their plans for ruling the world. But largely, he offers little evidence; instead, he links another site called ChemTrialMonitor. In looking through this site, they claim that there are chemtrails and contrails: chemical trails and condensation trails.


In acknowledging the existence of contrails, they are recognizing the evidence proving their claims are ridiculous. The website says they look similar, but the trained eye can distinguish the two. The evidence? Discount airlines, of course! They state the military is funding discount airlines to use their planes for the distribution of chemicals and toxins. Watch out the next time you fly on Frontier and Spirit...

Chemtrails: They're Controlling Our Minds: Service

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