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The "Creation" of Earth

Delving into the creation of the planet can be a very contentious and tricky issue to address. Religious beliefs that there are origins of a Creator regarding the physical world sometimes clash with what science tells us, depending on how far religious ideals are stretched. The fake website is an ardent claimer that God created the world as we know it today. However, Mr. Smith fails to take into account the numerous points of evidence that point to an event like the Big Bang or the origins of collective life. The website fails to bring together scientific fact and religious belief with blanket rejection of the evidence we have for such events.


Rather than offer any evidence for his argument- a common theme with this website- the author says that the world is too complex to have simply been created by an event like the Big Bang. Referring to the "intricacies of life," he claims that there are "so many acknowledged problems with" the idea of the Big Bang and also on the origins of life. However, he does not provide any of these so-called acknowledged problems.


Edwin Hubble gave the world a critical piece of evidence that helped supplement our ideas surrounding the Big Bang- the red shift. Hubble was able to calculate how far away other galaxies are from Earth based on the light they emit. Once knowing their distance, and recalculating, he was able to determine that the universe is expanding and galaxies are moving further away from each other. This would suggest that the universe began in one location, the home of the Big Bang. While this is considered to be a theory, as we cannot perfectly prove the occurrence of the big bang, it is blatantly ignorant and false of the fake science website to brush off this idea.

Further, regarding the origins of life, it is immature to brush off evidence of the contrary to the author's opinion. Many scientists today argue that life originated from single prokaryotic cells some 2,125 million years ago. These cells went through incredible stages of development and growth until we reached Tiktaalik, the famed fish-hybrid fossil that is believed to have been the first creature to emerge on land, as we discussed in the course this semester. However, in order to disprove the poorly-conceived ideas from the website, we do not even need to go that in depth. When the planet first formed, Earth was not even suitable to sustain life. Then, as life began to emerge, there are millions and millions of years before modern humans make their debut. His claim that humans and the earth were created at the same time is a poor characterization of the evidence and knowledge the scientific community has garnered over time. We also discussed throughout the semester the immense changes that have occurred with the planet's climate over time. The same regions have gone through times of frozen tundra to hot droughts; these changes lend to the changes in physical  characteristics we have discovered.

The "Creation" of Earth: Services

The Emergence of Life

This video, sourced from TechInsider, shows the scientific idea of how human life emerged on the planet, starting all they way back with the first single-celled organisms!

The "Creation" of Earth: Video
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